Ecommerce Personalization Blog

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5 Techniques to Improve the Consumer Buying Process with Superior Customer Experience

89% of brands expect to principally compete on the topic of customer experience, as opposed to price and product, as the main brand differentiator. As such, you should target and convert customers by granting digital shoppers an exemplary customer experience. By using website personalization techniques, you can tailor the consumer buying process to your user’s individual patterns and behaviors and facilitate the targeting and converting of website visitors into satisfied customers.


1. Welcome first-time site visitors with unique offers  

Prompt new website visitors with a “Welcome” message to launch a positive shopping experience.

welcome ireland

 2. Entice website visitors with a personalized promotion and build a solid retailer-customer relationship

Offer one-time or limited-time discounts or gifts to create a sense of urgency, reduce cart abandonment and tantalize the customer towards making a purchase. 

coupon for 20 dollars over 99 dollar purchase

3. Streamline the customer buying process with real-time product updates

Present shoppers with live! real-time announcements and stock updates to demonstrate how the company does not want the customer to miss out on an item or opportunity that they might want or need.



4. Motivate customers to convert with geo-targeted popups and shipping notifications

Geo-target popups and shipping notifications to encourage customers to purchase products uniquely tailored to their needs and delivered to their precise locations, according to geographically-calculated shipping rates.




5. Capture website visitors’ e-mail addresses to continue the shopping experience offsite

Capture the e-mail addresses of potential customers for marketing and retargeting purposes by using personalized triggers. Offer a coupon, discount, newsletter and other relevant content in exchange for the customer’s e-mail address and continue the fostering a positive shopping experience, even when the customer is no longer on the company’s website.

mystery gift

By utilizing various website personalization techniques, you will be able to optimize the conversion process. Welcoming new visitors with enticing offers, geo-targeting customers and presenting them with real-time updates are all effective techniques designed to lure new and existing customers into making a purchase. Combined with offers that enable you to collect email addresses, you will be able to efficiently target and retarget customers, enticing them to become returning customers with high brand loyalty. By using cart abandonment emails you can tackle this issue and recover lost sales




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