How to Create Personalized Customer Journeys and Maximize Profits
Bing Lee sells a variety of electronics to its customer base. With products spanning TVs to vacuums to stoves to laptops, creating relevant customer journeys for each customer is a significant challenge.
Bing Lee turned to Barilliance to implement their vision. Today, they dynamically react to customer actions in real time across the entire customer lifecycle. The results speak for themselves.
Key Results
Advanced Uses of Product Recommendations for Improving Conversion Rates
Effective personalization requires thoughtful implementation of technology. Bing Lee uses Barilliance to create relevant touch points. Below are a few smart ways they've used Barilliance to personalize the customer experience and improve conversion rates.
Using Real Time Affinity Based Recommendations for Personalized Interactions
By default, recommendations are based on the most popular items and actions of past customers.
Personalization begins the moment a new visitor enters the site. Barilliance tracks in-session behavior, using revealed affinities to update recommendations in real time.
Here is an example on Bing Lee's homepage.
Initially we show the top sellers. After the customer visits the oven category page, the recommendation widgets on the homepage update to mirror this revealed purchase intent.
Now, recommended products are more relevant and effective.
Custom Rule Based Recommendations for Better First Impressions
Bing Lee has built a number of referral partnerships.
Using Barilliance, they are able to craft unique first experiences for referred visitors. Below is one illustration.
When a visitor gets referred from a computer manufacturing partner, they aren't greeted with the generic "Top Seller" recommendation widget. Instead, they see items that match the referral partner, in this case the most popular computer and gaming products.
Leveraging Contextual Data to Increase AOV
In the electronic space, there are a number of complimentary products.
Bing Lee takes advantage of complementary products using contextual data. Here, the customer has added a built-in wall oven to their cart.
When they reach the checkout page, they are presented with a number of fitting range hood options.
Barilliance can restrict recommended products based on any product attribute. In this case, Bing Lee can suggest only matching stainless steel items, items that fit, or similar price ranged items.
Using Personalization and Triggered Emails to Maximize Conversions
Key Results
Addressing abandoned purchases are fundamental to profit maximization.
Bing Lee has partnered with Barilliance create a robust followup campaign. Features include:
A key driver to Bing Lee's success is multi-step features. In fact, emails sent after the first triggered message account for 40.17% of generated revenue.
We know optimization is never ending.
Every Barilliance products comes with built-in A/B testing. Results are automatically recorded in the dashboard, and you can test any number of rules or campaigns at once.
Below is a great example of how iterating campaigns improves performance. Here, Bing Lee is testing the timing of their post-purchase follow-up. Simply moving the send date forward by 4 days improves the open rate by 47%!
Cross Channel Personalization with Triggered Emails and Onsite Personalization
Creating a seamless customer experience is necessary for successful eCommerce stores.
Bing Lee focuses on cross channel touchpoints throughout the buyer journey, including after sales service.
Here we see a post purchase email with dynamically embedded purchased items. When the customer clicks a link to review their item, they are taken to a review page that injects the same product image and review widget.
Adapting to Omnichannel Customer Behavior
Bing Lee operates 41 stores across Australia.
Having a physical footprint is a distinct advantage. Shipping costs are the primary cause for cart abandonment and customers value the convenience and speed of local shops.
The truth is, many customers still prefer buying offline. We've documented one established customer behavior, known as ROPO, where an increasing number of prospects are using technology to research online, but prefer to buy offline.
Integrating Demographic Data for Personalized Recommendations
Companies often struggle creating personal messages for first time visitors.
Bing Lee takes advantage of Barilliance’s demographic capabilities to overcome these challenges.
Above, they utilize Barilliance’s ability to lookup the local weather. In this case, they personalize the homepage when the temperature outside is above 28 degrees celsius with a custom hero image and product recommendation widget for new AC units.
Creating these types of rules is surprisingly easy with Barilliance. Below is a screenshot to show how Bing Lee accomplishes this campaign.
David Shepherd - Marketing Consultant At Bing Lee
"Barilliance gives us the ability to create personal customer journeys for a wide variety of customers."
About Barilliance
We help retailers increase revenue by creating personalized experiences for their customers across mobile, web, and email.
We do this by aggregating and collecting your data in one place, and using machine learning to automatically create optimal experiences overtime. Partners have the ability to explicitly create personalization strategies that match their own business objects.
Our technology stack has helped well over 500 world class companies, including US Appliances, GANT, and Pushys.
If you believe personalization can help create better experiences for your customers and increase revenues, fill out the form and speak with a personalization expert. Discover if Barilliance is the right partner for you.
About Barilliance
We help retailers increase revenue by creating personalized experiences for their customers across mobile, web, and email.
We do this by aggregating and collecting your data in one place, and using machine learning to automatically create optimal experiences overtime. Partners have the ability to explicitly create personalization strategies that match their own business objects.
Our technology stack has helped well over 500 world class companies, including US Appliances, GANT, and Pushys.
If you believe personalization can help create better experiences for your customers and increase revenues, fill out the form and speak with a personalization expert. Discover if Barilliance is the right partner for you.