4 Eye-Opening Statistics on How to Improve Email Capture Rates on CheckoutCart abandonment is extremely high, in fact during last year’s Black-Friday Cyber Monday weekend it reached 65%. Checkout page abandonment is even higher. A recent study that reviewed 1.5m form visits, […]Read more
The 5 Best Ecommerce Marketing Tactics You’ll Ever UseYou’re an online store owner. You have your website, your order processing, and your payment processing set up – ready to accept any volume of orders that may come your […]Read more
Three Psychological Features Of A Landing Page That Make People ClickBy Neil Patel …. The landing page below, from Barilliance, introduces a form of pain that is familiar to e-commerce marketers – the pain of shopping cart abandonment. Their landing […]Read more
Getting Started with Facebook OffersWith a few marketing tools already in play, like Facebook ads and sponsored stories, Facebook recently launched Facebook Offers for Page Administrators. The feature enables you, as page administrator, to offer […]Read more
New featuresWe wanted to update you regarding new features we’ve recently added : Send to Mobile using QR codes This is our first experiment in the mobile space. The idea is to […]Read more
“Saved shopping cart” banner increases conversion rates by 70%Many prospects will visit your website at least twice before making a purchase. Some might have added products to the shopping cart. If they started the checkout process, you can […]Read more
Social Targeting and PersonalizationMost of the targeting done today is based on intent and behavior. For example offering promotions to new visitors or changing landing pages banners dynamically based on search keywords or […]Read more
Geo Targeting Banner Increase Conversion Rate by 935%?It’s not a secret that targeting visitors with relevant messages could have a big impact on conversion rates. One of our customers in the US has been targeting selected countries […]Read more
Major update to the behavioral targeting productToday we are announcing a major upgrade to the behavioral targeting product. The goal of this release is to make it as simple and quick as possible to get value […]Read more
Do you treat your best customers differently?You probably know that good feeling when you are a regular at a restaurant or a shop. When you come in, you’re treated differently and you feel important. I always […]Read more