Utilizado en más de 500 tiendas online de todo el mundo

Las soluciones personalizadas de Barilliance para comercio electrónico están disponibles en 12 lenguas diferentes y se han desplegado en 26 países.


Qué dicen de nosotros algunos clientes

"We were looking for a tool to manage automatically our merchandising needs. But we found more than that in Barilliance, its personalization software surpassed our expectations and drove conversion and cross sell up to record levels while literally saving hundreds of hours in manual work. Definitely a great tool and partner in our marketing strategy"

Juan Larrauri, Digital Marketing Manager- LG Electronics España S.A.U.

Case Study

"Barilliance nos ayuda con la creación de campañas de marketing basadas en el comportamiento de los usuarios (Crosselling, upselling, promociones) de una manera muy rápida y segmentada. Es una gran herramienta, sencilla y potente."

Richar Tejedor, Responsable de Marketing- fnac.es

"Barilliance es una herramienta que facilita mucho las tareas de marketing, ampliando las posibilidades de engagement y conversión en un e-commerce. Recomendamos Barilliance a cualquier sitio de comercio electrónico que busque personalizar la experiencia de compra de sus clientes."

Raúl del Castillo López , International e-Commerce - El Corte Inglés

"Hemos tenido mucho éxito con Barilliance hasta ahora. Al implementar la solución de abandono de carritos, logramos un aumento del beneficio del 300% en relación a los esfuerzos que realizamos anteriormente y fuimos capaces de duplicar nuestro ROI anterior."

Tamara Falcke, Email Channel Manager - SurfStitch.com

Case Study

"Nearly 30% of 3balls.com online shoppers have responded favorably to Barilliance product recommendations, resulting in substantial incremental revenue lift. Barilliance has been very responsive to our needs and has been a great partner to work with."

Doug Smith, VP Marketing & Business Development- 3Balls.com

Case Study

"We have been looking for a solution that required the minimum of input from both our marketing and technical teams who are always overstretched. When we were told that Barilliance was just one line of code we at first questioned if the results would both look on brand, let alone be effective. Now that we have been using the widgets across the site for four months we have seen amazing results that's far exceeded our expectations. Every day the tool gets that little bit more intelligent and tuned into our customers' needs and we plan to further roll it out across the site, giving it more virtual real estate. One line of code has brought in significant revenues, there is no reason why any e-Commerce store should not implement this, right now."

Robert Levy, Managing Director - electricshopping.com

"I reviewed a number of different solutions. It was clear that most alternatives didn’t really want to hear from me given we were using our own ecommerce platform. Barilliance staff said that it made it more flexible and gave examples of why it would work even better for us. In a matter of a day or so Barilliance was integrated into our site. Barilliance’s Cart Abandonment software has well and truly proved its worth – the ROI exceeded expectations and from a technical perspective it “just works”".

Hamish Cameron, IT Manager - Sealink Travel Group

Case Study

"Barilliance has been a great partner to work with. The conversion rates we have obtained through the email my cart program have exceeded our expectations and we have seen an immediate ROI. The team at Barilliance has been very helpful and the implementation was very easy.”

Patrick Paroline, Vice President of Sales - INYOPool.com

Case Study

"We were delighted when the team at Bariliance was able to show us personalized product offers that looked so integrated to our site without any changes or work on our end. We are now using Barilliance personalization technology to better target and serve our customers and are extremely happy with the results."

Matan Armoni, Ecommerce Director - EyeBuyDirect.com

Case Study

"Barilliance has been a great partner to work with. The conversion rates we have obtained through the email my cart program have exceeded our expectations and we have seen an immediate ROI. The team at Barilliance has been very helpful and the implementation was very easy.”

Patrick Paroline, Vice President of Sales - INYOPool.com

Case Study