Ecommerce Personalization Blog
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“Saved shopping cart” banner increases conversion rates by 70%
Many prospects will visit your website at least twice before making a purchase. Some might have added products to the shopping cart. If they started the checkout process, you can send them automated cart reminders. But only a fraction of those shoppers who add products to the cart, will move down the funnel to the checkout pages. So most cart abandoners will leave the site without entering their email address. It turns out that there is another effective technique to reduce cart abandonment rate. When cart abandoners come back to your website after a few hours or days , you can help them complete the order by showing them a “Welcome back, we saved the cart for you” type message. Here is a nice example from hello direct: One of our customers who setup a similar campaign witnessed 70% increase in conversion rates when measured compared a control group which did not see the “welcome back” message. It’s not surprising. Usually finding the link to the shopping cart is hard, in some cases even very hard… Thinking about what customers are trying to do next and segmenting them based on their most recent intent can help you win them as this example demonstrates. As we get closer to the holidays season, marketers who can come up, launch and test these type of campaigns quickly and without IT support, are more likely to win new customers.